The micro-finance program offers loans to help local entrepreneurs start or expand small businesses. Since its founding in 2007, the microfinance program has offered dozens of these small loans, with a repayment rate of over 95%. Microloans have helped entrepreneurs to raise pigs, cows, and chickens, operate small shops and food stalls, purchase supplies for tailoring and hairdressing shops, and launch other small businesses. This program is self-sustaining and is run entirely by members of the village.
Although a few men participate in the microloan program, Partnership Uganda focuses on supporting women entrepreneurs. Many families in rural Uganda are headed by women, who use household monies to feed, educate, and care for their children, thereby benefiting the whole community.
Because each loan recipient must also maintain a savings account, participants in the microloan program learn about budgeting and saving money for both person and business expenses.
Although a few men participate in the microloan program, Partnership Uganda focuses on supporting women entrepreneurs. Many families in rural Uganda are headed by women, who use household monies to feed, educate, and care for their children, thereby benefiting the whole community.
Because each loan recipient must also maintain a savings account, participants in the microloan program learn about budgeting and saving money for both person and business expenses.